Friday, October 15, 2010

Shopping for cold days

It's rainy season in the Penh! Time to bring out those cashmere sweaters from the closet!

The problem is I don't have one. I have a couple of cardigans but they've faded already. So guess what I did?

I shopped online. Okay, window shop.

Here's a few I found in different online stores which I like. If only, I could have their body too. Sigh.

Black is always beautiful.

Black and gray. I am loving the combination.

Pink. Girls should have one piece of clothing that is pink. At least in my humble opinion.

I love the ruffles on this.

A bright colored sweater to brighten a gloomy, cold day.

I haven't tried online shopping here in Phnom Penh. I might just do that before Christmas though.

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