Saturday, October 23, 2010

Saturday 9: I'm so Proud

Taking a break from shopping...I am joining a meme. Saturday 9: I'm so Proud. For more participants, please click on the photo below.

1. What are you proud of?
+ I am proud of my life. Some people look down on SAHMs but I don't care anymore. I know who I am to DH, to my son, and to my family.

2. What is the best thing you’ve ever won as a prize? How did you win it?
+ Materially speaking, I've won a wifi plug it in from a credit card's raffle draw but I haven't claimed it until now.

3. Tell us about something you've done that in retrospect was a waste of time.
+ I couldn't think of anything in particular. Hmmm..maybe building a relationship that's bound for a disaster even at the start.

4. How old were you when life changed the most for you? How did it change?
+ I was a few days shy of turning 28 when it happened. I gave birth to the most beautiful baby boy. And from then on, life became more exciting, hopeful, beautiful...

5. Tell us about a place you that you've been that you considered to be very tranquil.
+ I'd have to say a town named Kep here in Cambodia.

6. Who is your favorite news anchor/reporter? Why?
+ I don't watch much television these days. I don't know the names of the anchors or reporters anymore. Sorry.

7. If you were to have the opportunity to name a new town or city, what would you call it? Why?
+ I'd call it circuit city. It has a nice ring to it =)

8. What is something about which you've always wondered but have not yet found a good answer?
+ What goes on the kids' minds?

9. When you can't go to sleep, what is your personal remedy to help yourself drift into Lullabyland?
+ Nothing special. I just try to close my eyes and try not to move.


  1. It's funny how having a baby can change us.

    Have a good Saturday!
