Saturday, February 19, 2011

Zara MAN Young Lookbook February 2011

Facebook is one of my must visit site daily. Not only do I get to snoop, gossip and learn about best acne scar treatment, I also get to see sneak previews of my favorite labels like Zara.

Here's their MAN Young Lookbook for February. I wish my husband would wear something like this. But I know what he will tell me. I am still hoping that one day he'll see the light, fashion light that is and wear something like this. LOL!

Hubby can sure pull off this look. Bu he just won't. Sigh.

Never mind, I will just dress my son something from Zara. Hahaha!!!


  1. I can understand why E won't even dare wear this kind of clothing -- according to R, it looks gay-ish. I love the 3rd and 4th outfit, on me!! hahaha

  2. That's what Eric told me too. It looks too gay for his taste. Hehehe!
