Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday 9: Monday Monday

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: Monday, Monday

1. How does your day usually go on Monday?
++ Monday is a usually a hectic Monday for me because I try to do everything I can on a Monday. LOL!

2. Who was the last band you saw live?
++ Filipino band, Eraserheads. Been a long time.

3. When was the last time you purchased something over $50?
++ Yesterday. I bought a dress at Zara =)

4. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
++ A little.

5. Do you wish you were someplace else right now?
++ No. I am in the place I wish I were right now.

6. Tell us about the last wedding that you attended.
++ Honestly, I don't remember the last wedding attended. I guess it's been that long.

7. What's annoying you right now?
++ A friend/former friend who doesn't get why I am mad at her. Maybe I should just enroll her in a finance jobs class.

8. What is your best skill/ability? Why?
++ To be able to decipher a lie from truth. It's inherent I guess. LOL!

9. If someone asked a friend of yours, "Hey, what is one thing your friend is exceptional at?", what would they say about you? Why?
++ At organizing things. Because I am a very organized person. That's who I am.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Marc Jacobs flats

Window shopping for lingerie and ballerina flats on a Wednesday morning with coffee and a banana on my side table. Ahhhh, the good life. Hahaha!!!

Got this from My window shopping site.

I love flats and I can live with flats all my life. So it's no surprise I window shop about flats only. Here's what I like from Marc Jacobs.

Quilted patent-leather ballerina flats in silver and black £272

Quilted patent-leather ballerina flats in cream color and black £272. I love both colors. I can see myself wearing this daily.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Rihanna in blue

I am a fan of Rihanna. But I am not sure I am a fan of her dress choice below.

Jean Paul Gaultier gown at the Grammys. I love the bottom part but I am not sure about the top part.

What do you think?

Photo from

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Can I add you?

How many social networking sites account do you have? If you're like me, you have more than one. Admittedly I have about four accounts. But a couple of them are inactive. My husband is not even into social networking but he has one account. And he'd justify it by saying it's an enterprise social networking.


Seriously though, social networking has evolved since its inception. Before it was only for personal use; for showing off, bragging, gossiping and okay, connecting with long lost friends. It was and still is a powerful tool in connecting people, ideas and sharing information.

After all we live in a digital world.

My husband tells me that they have created a social networking for their own company. He said it's a brilliant idea by their IT department. It is appealing to the employees as it works just like a social networking site. Employees have their own profile, they can do enterprise microblogging like updating their status, posting comments and questions. My husband says that it is an informal way of getting to know everyone in the company. He's really sold on this idea.

And why not? I think it is a great idea too. These employees don't have to hide when they log in to the site. It is legal after all. I will bet efficiency and productivity will increase.

Hmmm...why didn't I think of something like this?

Well, probably because I was busy gossiping and snooping on someone in my "friends" list. LOL!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mango as a diet food?

I am first to admit I have no control over food. It's my weakness. I can hardly refuse food when it's in front of me. So it's no surprise that I am a size 8. Sometimes even size 10. Yikes! Yeah, I've contemplated about lipo 6 for her but I am scared of needles and knives so, no thank you.

Anyway, last week, just before dinner I ate one small green mango. I dipped it in salt with chili. Yum!

What's so interesting about this incident is that come dinner time, I had zero craving for food. To think we were having one of my favorite dish, sinigang na hipon - prawn in sour soup. I only ate one piece of prawn and had a small sip of the soup. And that's it!

I was really surprised. Hubby said that anything sour before meal makes you full. Aha! I know what to do now.

I bought another kilo of green mango and ate it just before meal time. It seems to be working. I could only eat like a bird.

The downside is that my teeth are now sensitive. I couldn't eat more green mangoes. Hahahaha!!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Save money

I am posting an article I found at about "14 Ways to Save Money on Groceries". I find the tips very helpful. I already tried tip number 5 and it worked. And now I know that honey doesn't spoil so I won't throw old ones just yet.

Here's the entire article. Enjoy!

Save money and trips to the market with these tips and tricks from Rebecca DiLiberto’s Penny Saving Household Helper. You’ll be surprised how simple it is to keep food at its best.

1. Line the bottom of your refrigerator’s crisper drawer with paper towels. They’ll absorb the excess moisture that causes vegetables to rot.

2. To keep herbs tasting fresh for up to a month, store whole bunches, washed and sealed in plastic bags, in the freezer. When you need them, they’ll be easier to chop, and they’ll defrost the minute they hit a hot pan.

3. A bay leaf slipped into a container of flour, pasta, or rice will help repel bugs.

4. Stop cheese from drying out by spreading butter or margarine on the cut sides to seal in moisture. This is most effective with hard cheeses sealed in wax.

5. When radishes, celery, or carrots have lost their crunch, simply pop them in a bowl of iced water along with a slice of raw potato and watch the limp vegetables freshen up right before your eyes.

6. Avoid separating bananas until you plan to eat them – they spoil less quickly in a bunch.

7. Put rice in your saltshaker to stop the salt from hardening. The rice absorbs condensation that can cause clumps.

8. Stock up on butter when it’s on sale – you can store it in the freezer for up to six months. Pack the butter in an airtight container, so it doesn’t take on the flavor of whatever else you’re freezing.

9. In order to make cottage cheese or sour cream last longer, place the container upside down in the fridge. Inverting the tub creates a vacuum that inhibits the growth of bacteria that causes food to spoil.

10. Believe it or not, honey is the only nonperishable food substance, so don’t get rid of the stuff if it crystallizes or becomes cloudy. Microwave on medium heat, in 30-second increments, to make honey clear again.

11. Prevent extra cooked pasta from hardening by stashing it in a sealed plastic bag and refrigerating. When you’re ready to serve, throw the pasta in boiling water for a few seconds to heat and restore moisture.

12. Keeping brown sugar in the freezer will stop it from hardening. But if you already have hardened sugar on your shelf, soften it by sealing in a bag with a slice of bread – or by microwaving on high for 30 seconds.

13. If you only need a few drops of lemon juice, avoid cutting the lemon in half – it will dry out quickly. Instead, puncture the fruit with a metal skewer and squeeze out exactly what you require.

14. If you’re unsure of an egg’s freshness, see how it behaves in a cup of water: Fresh eggs sink; bad ones float.

Visiting KL

My family is travelling to Kuala Lumpur this Thursday for a little fun, shopping and food trip.

Personally, I miss KL. I didn't think I'd miss it this much. I miss the food, the shopping and our little walks around Bukit Bintang area. I miss our little nook at Berjaya Times Square too.

I am so happy and so looking forward to visiting back that I have not been able to sleep much lately. I might even need a sleep aid if I won't sleep well this week. I am that excited. LOL!

I have a little list of what we should do. And it goes something like this: eat, shop, eat shop. Hahaha!!!

Seriously though, I want to go up the Petronas Tower. When we used to live there, I took it for granted.

I also want to visit Batu Caves if we have time.

Plus, I am excited to see some friends. We're invited to a friend's daughter's birthday party. And it's going to be a sort of reunion with other KL based Pinoy friends.

I will blog about KL from a tourist point of view when I come back from that trip.


Just saw a movie that inspired me. Inspired to do something creative. I am not really the most creative person but sometimes I surprise other people and myself.

And so with this inspiration, it led me to thinking I should paint our kitchen with something bold. I am thinking between red and orange. Or maybe I should put some nice artwork prints.

For color inspiration, I checked Look at these bright rooms!

Love the red stairs.

Love the chair.

Love the wall.

Love the throw pillows and red wooden accent.

Saturday 9: Gimme Three Steps

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: Gimme Three Steps

1. Has anyone ever got angry with you for flirting with their partner or date?
++ No. I don't flirt with a taken man.

2. What is your favorite movie line or speech? (Set the scene so we appreciate it in context.)
++ You had me at hello. Pretty cheesy, yeah? Well, that's one of my favorite movie ever. So..

3. What is something that has happened to you that you would consider a miracle?
++ If I become a size zero.

4. What do you try to stay away from?
++ Negative people. Fattening food. But all unsuccessful.

5. What is it too late for?
++ Too late to join Ms. Universe.

6. If you could write three newspaper headlines, which would come true, what would they be?
++ best acne treatment is sleep

7. When was the last time you apologized to someone?
++ I always say sorry for little things. But I don't think I have offended anyone that big. Maybe the other way around..

8. If you to find out now that you would very well known after you die, what do you think it might be for? (Feel free to pick an accomplishment that you have yet to do.)
++ My Jewelries.

9. Are you easily angered or able to handle every situation calmly?
++ I can control my emotions.

Share a Thrift Hunt: Pink blouse

Thrift Hunting Meme

This week,I am so busy that's why my entry for this week's share a thrift hunt is late. But better late than never.

I got this blouse near Boeung Keng Kang Market 1 or for easier pronunciation I say, BKK1 Market. I got it for 1,500 riels or $0.375

I bought this last Tuesday and had it washed immediately. It's not in a brand new condition but it doesn't look too old either. Yesterday I wore it when we went to Les Lacs Fleuris for a picnic.

I sure don't look like I need any best pre workout supplement. What I need is a pills to make me thin. LOL!

I actually lost weight but I don't know why I looked so bloated in this picture. Look at that round face and shoulders. Hahahaha!!!

Zara MAN Young Lookbook February 2011

Facebook is one of my must visit site daily. Not only do I get to snoop, gossip and learn about best acne scar treatment, I also get to see sneak previews of my favorite labels like Zara.

Here's their MAN Young Lookbook for February. I wish my husband would wear something like this. But I know what he will tell me. I am still hoping that one day he'll see the light, fashion light that is and wear something like this. LOL!

Hubby can sure pull off this look. Bu he just won't. Sigh.

Never mind, I will just dress my son something from Zara. Hahaha!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Zara: TRF & New Color Pants Lookbook Feb

Saw this on Zara's facebook account. I couldn't help but gosh. Especially on the last photo. So beautiful.

On my own, I wouldn't dare match pink and green and brown. But seeing this, wow!!! This look is so me. Well, except for being skinny, that is. LOL! I love this look.

I think I going to try this look when we go to a city next week. I hope I'd lose more pounds so I'd look great.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Share a Thrift Hunt: White Shirt

Thrift Hunting Meme

Yay, it's Thursday again. I am so excited to post my thrift find today.

What I like about thrifting is that I don't need online degree programs or any programs for that matter to make me great at it. It just take a lot of patience and a lot of practice. Sometimes, you might need fighting skills to ward off other customers. Hahahaha!!!

I already posted this yesterday in my facebook. Yeah, I am always excited. LOL! I got this from Japanese Thrift Shop, where we always frequent. It was a friend who found this for me.

A white top for only $1.75. Okay, it's a little expensive. But the shirt is still very white. It actually looks like it's new. I swear.

I did a minor tweaking at the sleeves. It used to have garter at the edge of the sleeves. I took it out because it looked too puffy for my taste. I like a casual look so I just fold it instead. I like it. Hahaha, I love my own styling.

I got several "likes" on this picture. It's only two things though: It's either they like that it's cheap or they like the shirt on me.

I like to think it's the second one. Hahaha!!! Happy Thrifting guys!

Slim, slimmer, slimmest?

Would you believe the LED tvs and plasma tvs available now? So slim and so light!!!

We were in an electronic store the other day. Not really planning on buying another TV but we had a lot of time to kill and we didn't want to go home yet so we went to look around.

When these breed of tvs came out several years ago, they were really expensive. Only people with money can afford. Now, it's still pricey compared to the the tube TV (of course) but it's affordable.

I like this Samsung plasma TV 50inch. I am not going to buy this anytime soon though. If we go back to Philippines an dlive permanently in our condo, then I'd buy a slim TV like this.

Hopefully the prices will then be really affordable.

Since, we are only expats here and just renting an apartment, I don't want to spend money on these things. What we have right now is the old TV models. Kinda big but since it works fine, I am fine with it.

What about you? What kind of TV do you have at home now?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Zara: Women Spring Summer Campaign

I am a "fan" of Zara in facebook and in real life too. They're chic and affordable. They posted the Women Spring Summer Campaign last Thursday on facebook and I love almost all the clothes.

All photos from Zara on their facebook page.

I love this color combination.


So chic.

Candy colors. I love it.

Structured. I like it.

Classic and elegant.

I can't wait to go to a Zara store and raid their collection! Two more weeks!!!

Saturday 9: Margaritaville

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: Margaritaville

1. Tell us about a time that you had way too much Jose Cuervo.
++ I don't remember having too much Jose Cuervo. Or probably because I've had too much that time, I couldn't remember anymore. LOL!

2. Do you agree with the following statement: "The older you get, the faster time goes by."?
++ I don't know. I haven't noticed time going faster than usual.

3. What do you usually do during your "down time?"
++ Read blogs. Or window shop.

4. When it comes to the opposite sex, do you feel you have a grasp on 'em - or do they continue to just surprise you?
++ A little of both I guess.

5. What is your home town famous for?
++ Having beautiful women. Ahem..

6. How many romantic relationships have you had?
++ Three.

7. What's the best concert that you've ever been to?
++ Eraserheads (Philippine band). They were HUGE when I was in college.

8. Which famous person would you like to meet? Why?
++ Oprah. I am in awe of how powerful she is.

9. Has a newspaper or television reporter ever interviewed you? If so, what were the circumstances and what did you think when you read or saw what you said?
++ Yes, in Malaysia. They featured my blog, on being an expat there. I though it was okay.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

South Beach Diet, second time around

Did I mention in this blog that I have been on South Beach Diet (SBD)? Well, yes I was. I did the phase 1, and was religious about it. I lost 5kgs exactly.

I was pretty impressed. Impressed with the diet and impressed with myself for being able to stick to the rigid 14-day of no carb and no sugar.

And then the holidays came! Wham! Diet gone.

I tried going back to where I left off, the phase 2. But it's not the same. I always cheat.

Last February 1, I tried on two scales for accurate weight measurement. I gained back almost 3kgs of the weight I lost. Horrors!!!

That same day, I went back to phase 1 of SBD. It's my third day again. And since this is my second time, it's not that hard anymore.

I've lost 1kg already. I know it's probably just water only but that made me happy.

I've continued with my exercises as well.

I am hoping to make this time really work. Cross my fingers.

On a different note, Go Xi Fa Cai everyone!!! May we all have a prosperous year of the Rabbit.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Share a Thrift Hunt: 001

I am joining my friend's new meme:

Thrift Hunting Meme

I love thrifting and I am lucky I share the same interests with my friends.

Here's one of my fave thrift find: An old stripe shirt.

I love this because it is so comfy. I roll up the sleeves to add character. I usually pair it with my loose jeans or shorts. I got this for $0.50!