Thursday, March 3, 2011

Share a Thrift Hunt: Yellow flat shoes

Thrift Hunting Meme

I missed last week's meme because I was busy having a grand time in Kuala Lumpur. Opps, did I say that? Sorry, it just slipped off my tongue. LOL!

Anyway, here's my entry for this week - a yellow flat shoes.

I bought this while we were in KL. And I wore it right away. Hahaha. I love how comfy it is and I love that it brightens up my wardrobe and my mood.

Original price was 49 Malaysian Ringgit. But since I was a tourist I got a discount of 10%. So I only paid 44.10RM or about $14.20. I thought it's a steal and a fab find. Branded ones would cost me probably 10 times more.

I should have bought two pairs but in different colors. There was a hot pink one but I did not buy it. Tsk.

What's your fab find this week fab hunters?


  1. A fab pair of shoes, Sam! The colour is great - I love yellow - so cheery and sunny. It does add pizazz and flamboyance to your outfit :)

  2. sunny and cheery yellow! i think i want some color on my wardrobe na rin..=) Fab buy.

  3. best buy nga and can fits any outfit, i guess! :)
