Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Strollers for a Pain-free travel

I was chatting with my brother earlier. I asked him about their recent trip to Hongkong Disneyland. He said it was fun but his poor shoulders were too sore from carrying his 2-year old daughter. Hahaha!!!

I already warned him before their trip that they should bring a stroller. In Hongkong, you can bring the stroller inside the train. It's pretty convenient to bring strollers everywhere in Hongkong.

I asked him why didn't they bring one? Well, it was a little bulky and they thought they might not be be able to use it as much.

Well, they got it wrong.

I suggested to my brother that next time they travel together with his daughter and nephew, they should bring a double/twin stroller. It would make their life easier.

Indie Twin stroller in seagrass green

in red

I had to include this picture. The kids look so cute with those chubby legs. LOL!

I remember, I never leave home without a stroller before when my son was still under three years old.

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