Saturday, March 3, 2012

Lovin' My Macbook Air

So far, hubby has recommended two great things to me - this macbook and a pc charge for my online business.

But it took me a lot of convincing from hubby to buy the Macbook Air. Now, I am thankful I was swayed. My blogging life is so much easier and faster with my new Macbook Air.

Photo from Apple

I should have bought this a long time ago. I did not want to spend money on something I don't really need but it turns out this is exactly what I need for my work.

I am not techie so I cannot impress you guys with techie terms but let me tell you the things I love about my Macbook Air:

1) Light. I can carry it anywhere without breaking my back. And I can work lying down with the PC in my lap.
2) Fast. I can turn it on and shut it down in a few seconds. Unlike my old Compaq PC, it takes forever to shut down and reboot.
3) Facetime. After selling my iPad2, I was worried I could not facetime using the Macbook. But I can!
4) Backlit keyboard. I can blog even when our bedroom light is very dim. I love this.

The reason I was hesitant to buy the Macbook Air was because despite borrowing hubby's Macbook Pro for a while now, I was still adept with the Mac features. But once I had my own, I learned quickly how to navigate it.

My only regret was not buying the 13-inch Macbook Air. I only bought the 11-inch because I wanted to save $300. The 11-inch Macbook Air has no SD card slot. It's not really a big problem but it would have been easier to transfer photos from the SD card directly to my Macbook.

Aside from that, everything else is perfect!

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