Thursday, March 15, 2012

Reminds Me of My College Life

I was window-shopping for ovens because I want to replace our table top oven when I was directed to laboratory ovens. I guess I wasn't clear with my google search.

These laboratory ovens remind me of a part of my college life. Did you know that I changed courses two times back in college? Well, here's the story..

When I entered college, my major was BS Agriculture in UP Los Banos. At that time, I really wanted to be a farmer. Seriously!

I took Agriculture because I had major ambitions of revolutionizing the small farming industry in our province.

But even before the first year ended, I had changed my mind already. LOL! I wanted to become a hotelier. So I moved to UP Diliman because Hotel and Restaurant Administration was not offered in Los Banos.

Unfortunately, BS Hotel and Restaurant Administration was already closed for "shiftees" when I went to Diliman. Since I did not want to go back to Los Banos, I took BS Food Technology because it was the only available course left.

And that's the time, I spent a lot of time with the laboratory ovens. I remember "incubating" germs in the oven and then later on counting the germs. LOL! I did that for two semesters. It was fun but I knew I will not survive with a lot of chemistry subjects.

The following year, I finally shifted to Hotel and Restaurant Administration.

It took me five years to finish college because I made a series of mistakes. But I am thankful at least I found out sooner what I really wanted. Some people have already graduated from college but they still don't know what course or which path to take.

My love affair with hotels started the time I shifted to HRA. And since then I am hooked. One day, someday...I will have my own hotel.


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