Saturday, March 17, 2012

Skin Care Evolution

Let's go time traveling! Let's see the history of how our ancestors took care of their skin back then. And how it evolved through the years.

Some are really shocking, like how they used lead to whiten their skin. Horrors! And how Cleopatra took care of her skin by bathing in sour milk. So sour milk had been invented already during her time!

Aren't you glad you were born in this modern time? When every problem has an immediate solution? When acne can be zapped instantly by a portable blue light technology? I know I am glad to have been born in this wonderful time of technology.

Check out this infographic from

Acne Light Treatment
Via: Tanda Skincare

I love the simple toning exercise in this infographic. I would definitely do this. In fact, I have already done toning exercise number 3. LOL!

Happy facial exercising!

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