Tuesday, February 14, 2012

And there will be lights

Are you in love with chandeliers? If yes, welcome to the club!

I don't know when this love of chandeliers developed. One day, I just realized I love looking at them. Whenever I am in the home depot or malls with furnitures and lighting fixtures, expect me to be stuck there for a good 30 minutes to 1 hour.

My husband is amazed I could remain standing just gazing at chandeliers. Well, he is missing a lot. That's for sure.

My parents built a second house in the province when I was already in college. When they went to Manila to buy the chandelier, I made sure it was my choice that was bought. LOL!

I remember I chose a traditional one. The dreamy type. Well, that was my obsession then. Something like out of the movie set.

But now, I am into simple and modern type. Oh, I am still in love with all them - art deco, traditional, etc. In fact, I am still drooling over these bathroom chandeliers I found online.

Simple but I love it!

Art deco, anyone? Reminds me of those lavish homes I see on magazines.

Modern. This is me now.

Delicate and pretty.

This one is for the fun and quirky homes.

This was the type I told my parents to buy for their second house. Haha! They loved it though! And to be fair, it looks good on the house and it's still working up to now.

My taste may change over time but one thing is for sure, I will always love chandeliers.

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