Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I always say I am not a girly kind of girl. For one, I don't wear make up. Not even a lipstick. Occasionally, I'd wear a lipgloss. But only if I am attending a party. Second, I am not into perfume. I don't buy one. Whenever I have one in my dresser, it's usually a gift. Third, I don't like heels. I am comfortable with flats and sneakers. But yeah, I do wear heels from time to time.

Make no mistake, I am a girl. It's just that I have different likes from the rest of the girls. While they go gaga over a hair straightening iron, I will be seen somewhere admiring a welch allyn. Hehehe. Just kidding.

Anyway, last Christmas I was buying a perfume for hubby. While checking the scents, the saleslady mistakenly gave me a scent for the ladies.

The first sniff, I knew immediately what it was! Flower by Kenzo!

A friend gave me this before. And I liked it. When I finished the bottle, I debated within myself whether to buy another one. Of course I did not buy another. LOL!

It's nice to be reacquainted again by this scent. I know my rules about not buying a perfume for myself. But I couldn't help it. I bought one. Hahaha!!!

Now I wear it almost everyday. I hope when it's finished, someone will give me another bottle. LOL!


  1. Nice pink splotches background - bagay sa girly-girl theme ng blog mo. I, too, am not much of a scents-perfume kind but since I've received them as gifts, ginagamit ko na lang. Sayang naman di ba? hehehe

  2. Thanks Sreisaat! Hehehe. Korek sayang naman kung hindi gamitin.
