Saturday, January 8, 2011

A convert

Well, almost.

I got an iPhone 4 as present from hubby last Christmas. I am totally loving it. And my son does too.
Hello iPhone 4. I love you already.

Yesterday, hubby bought his first Macbook Pro. I can hardly pry him away from his latest baby. Ouch! LOL!

Now I am thinking, I should sell my two laptops, actually a netbook and a laptop to be exact so I can buy a Macbook Pro or a Macbook Air.

But I am not sure I could sell my Asus netbook. I love it eventhough I hardly use it. It was one of the best netbooks available at the time I purchased it. It is still up to now. It's fast and spiffy looking and of course very handy.

If I couldn't sell my netbook, I could not afford to buy a Macbook. Tough decision!

I wish a fairy godmother would appear now. I know what to ask.


  1. sis, thanks for joining the the Bloggers Exchange. Paki edit naman yung link mo, kasi the original link doesn't sound good to me,i feel like i have to edit it.Thanks!

  2. Edited already! Thanks for letting me join =)
