Saturday, January 29, 2011

Saturday 9: What a Fool Believes

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: What a Fool Believes

1. What celebrity do you think is the MOST foolish?
++ Hmmm..those who try sooooo hard to be different.

2. What are 5 things you don't care about?
++ Make up, Perfume, Heels, and anything about vanity

3. What 'issue' do you think your opinion is so right about that you end up trying to sway others to your point of view?
++ I don't try to sway other people's opinion. I just encourage them to think I am right. LOL!

4. What personality do you like to listen to on the radio?
++ I don't listen much radio now but I used to listen a lot when I was in college. I used to listen to funny and opinionated radio personality.

5. What culture are you fascinated by?
++ Japanese

6. You are alone with your lover's diary. What do you do?
++ I'd definitely open a few pages. If I have a lot of time, I will read everything. Hahaha!!!

7. What frustrates you?
++ Lazy people, people who don't pay their personal loan, liars, etc..

8. Do you remember the first time you were on the internet? What did you do first?
++ Yes. I opened two email accounts and joined forums on mIrc. LOL!

9. What was the biggest fight you have ever had with someone?
++ Lying, cheating.

Travel related

I learned something new while renewing my passport last Friday. Our passports will soon have a radio frequency identification or rfid. It is still being proposed and will probably take a long time before it gets approved. Other countries have it already though.

Not a very exciting news, is it? LOL!

If we have rfid, we should take extra precaution to safeguard it. I heard there are covers that block unauthorized scanning or something. I hope they design some nice ones, right?


I am looking forward to our travel next month. We'll be going to KL. I can hardly wait.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Saturday 9: My Woman From Tokyo

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: My Woman From Tokyo

1. Have you ever been to Japan? If not would you like to travel there?
++ Nope. But I would love to go visit Japan. We actually have plans of visiting Japan this year.

2. Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?
++ Nope.

3. Have you ever dated one of your best friends?
++ Nope. But my husband is my bestfriend now.

4. Have you ever kissed someone you didn't know?
++ Nope.

5. What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?
++ I am Sam. Always makes me cry.

6. What feature are you most insecure about?
++ My logs...este my legs. Hahaha!!!

7. What do you miss most about being young?
++ I miss the fact that I could eat tons of food when I was young but I don't gain weight.

8. Who is the most annoying musical artist EVER?
++ I don't give it much thought.

9. Have you ever applied for a job that was an internet hoax, asking for credit history and your social security number?
++ Nope.

Thanks so much for joining us again at Saturday: 9. As always, feel free to come back, see who has participated and comment on their posts. In fact sometimes, if you want to read & comment on everyone's responses, you might want to check back again tomorrow. But it is not a rule. We haven’t any rules here. Join us on next Saturday for another version of Saturday: 9, "Just A Silly Meme on a Saturday!" Enjoy your weekend!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Sad State

This is my wallet of three years. Yes, three years!

I only have one wallet at a time. And this Girbaud wallet has lasted me for more than three years now. It badly needs a replacement.

If it can talk, it would have begged to retire already. LOL!

Here are my possible replacement. But it all depends on the availability of the items and the availability of cash in my present wallet. LOL!

Marc by Marc Jacobs $178

Marc by Marc Jacobs $178

Gucci Continental Wallet $430

Burberry Check Embossed Zip Wallet $450

Photos all from

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Shameless plugging alert!!!

For the past week I have been busy with a lot of things. One of them is making jewelries.

Here, let me post one of the jewelries that I have finished.

It's a simple necklace with a leaf and pink coral bead as pendant. It's delicate and very feminine. All the metals used are 14k gold filled.

This design usually attracts the teens. So if you have a teen, please tell them to head over to

And if you're looking for a variety of gifts, head over to gifts for teens from Personal Creations. They have a lot of choices. And I mean a lot!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Be Creative

Living in a small city can be exciting and challenging. Right now, it's mostly challenging.

I have been looking for something like these two here in Phnom Penh.

These are card holders or anything you want it to be actually. I want it for my jewelry business. I am thinking of making it as a pouch for my earrings.

I have been trying to find it here, but couldn't. I thought of making it myself. Still, I couldn't find any supplies. I thought of ordering it from etsy. But it would take 5-6 weeks. Eeeeeekkk!!!

I actually love living in a small city, but at a time like this, I wish I were somewhere else, probably in a big city where tech jobs are not so rare and above items are not so alien.

Oh well, I just have to be creative then!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Ladies of the Golden Globes

Like some girls, I wait for the red carpet events in Hollywood. Who's best dressed? Who's worst dressed?

This Golden Globe awards, here's my favorite dresses. This is in no particular order though.

Natalie Portman. I love the dress on her.

Jennifer Lopez. Immaculate. Look at her curves!

Angelina Jolie. I am not a fan of green but green suits Ms. Jolie.

Anne Hathaway.

Claire Danes. I love this gown!

Sandra Bullock

Scarlett Johansson

Eva Longoria. Sexy!

Catherine Zeta-Jones

Julianne Moore

Leighton Meester

Amber Riley

All photos thanks to

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My favorite massage

I love a good massage. In fact, I go to a spa at least once a week. Sometimes, I go twice a week.

The moment my friend introduced me to the world of spa nine years, I got hooked. There was no turning back. And my body actually craves for it.

I have been to a whole range of spas. From basic spa to five star spas. While the amenities add for a relaxing atmosphere, what really matters is how good the massage is. Or appropriately how good the therapist/masseuse is.

I love an aromatic whole body massage. But what I am crazy about is a foot spa or a foot massage.

I love a strong massage. It relaxes me and it actually makes me feel good. They say that a reflexology is helpful. And it is!

When I feel like a migraine is coming, I run to the spa. It relieves me. It does. That's why I am crazy about it.

A healthy lifestyle for me includes, a good diet, exercise, one a day vitamin and a relaxation in the form of massage.

More than the massage, I love it because while I am being pampered, I still get to read a magazine or blog or take a peek into my FB account. I am a multitasker and this is one example of multitasking in a very good way!

In fact, I am having a foot massage right now. Cool!

Exercise more

While looking at my daily exercise log, I realize I am not exercing enough. Sure, I log in between 20 - 30 minutes everyday of combined cardio and toning exercises but to be able to see the results, I need to spend some more quality time.

I am thinking I should exercise twice a day because I couldn't afford to spend 1 hour of exercise in the morning. I am always pressed for time in the morning. And I can only spare 30 minutes.

In the afternoon, I have some free time. After I do my work and errands, I usually just read my favorite blogs with chips in my hand!

So, to resist temptations I need to be doing something. And what better way to stave off cravings than to exercise, right?

I should go find my exercise dvd now. I will be needing it.

If you want to burn fats while sweating it out, click here. Happy exercising!

TBE Program

I am happy to be part of The Bloggers Exchange.

Our Goal is: Visit, Read, Comment and Comeback to each other’s blog. It's going to take up some of my time but discovering new blogs and connecting with other bloggers is fun and exciting.

Cheers to all the members!

All About Her; An Autobiography in the Works; Anything Baguio; Bag of Thoughts; Bee Mommy; Best Friends in Love; Bloggity Bop; Bonz World; Daily Snippets; Dashing Shopper; Dashing Smiles; Dishes by Pehpot; Down Home with the Kenyons; E! Fashion Talk; Earthly Mommy; Eat, Drink, Blog; Family & Life Online; Family & Home Living; FickleMinded; Food Trip Friday; Freebies Overload; God’s Precious Gifts; Health is Treasure; Healthy Lifestyle; Hip ‘n Cool; In Pursuit of Happiness; In the Company of Me; Jen’s Joyful Life; Jennifferonline; Joys in Life; Just Love Blogging It; Kero’s Celebration; Kharlota dot Com; Kitchen, the Heart of our Home; Life is Good and Beautiful; Little Miss Blogger; Little World of Fun; Little Zoie’s Steps; Live Love Pink; Make Money Online; Make or Break; Mary Anne’s Musings; Mixed Bag; Mom Fashionista; Mom’s Ups and Downs; Mumsified; My Camera Sexy; My Daily Sunset; My Fashion Sense; My Little Home; My Nipa Hut; My Web-Blog dot Com; Notepad Corner; Novice on Blogging; Oh! Gosh Goodies…; One Proud Momma; Peach and Things; Pig-out Sessions!; Pinay and Money; Pinay Green Mommy; Pinay Mommy Online; Pinay At Home Here; PinayWifeSpeaks; Pink Clash on Entertainment; Pink Stilettos; PixelMinded; Postcards Crossing; Proud Mommy of Three; Reviews Inc.; SAHM’s Notebook; Sam Finds; Samut-Sari; Sexy Blogging; Shy’s Mixed Thoughts; Small and Simple Things; Small Kids, Big Dreams; Smart Boys; Smart Mommy; The All-Around Mom; The Blogaholic; The Current News Online; The Dias Family Spot; The Fotominded; The Miscellaneous Me; The Pinoy Biggest Loser; The Smart Shopper; The Wifey Diaries; This is My Life; Thoughts of a Pinay SAHM; Thoughts Online; Topics on Earth; Travel Junkie Mommy; Travels and Exploration; Tricks of Magician; Twinsanity; Unfiltered Musings; Viva Pinay; We Ate This!; Yami’s Kitchen; Zoie’s Mom Blogging

World peace or 10 pounds off

To lose weight, be it 5 pounds, 10 pounds or more is always a part of new year's resolution of a lot of people. To be honest, it's always one of my NY's resolution. LOL!

I was reading Glamour Magazine (September 2010 issue) yesterday and Glamour's List of 10 Things More Important Than Those Last Five Pounds by Kimberly Bonnel and Pamela Redmond Satran caught my eyes. It's witty, funny and true.

In no order, here's their list:

**Birthday Cake

**Falling in love, running a company, buying a home - you know, the real stuff.

**Dumping the guy who answered, "Uh, yeah, to "Does my butt look big in this?" There, 180 pounds, gone!

**Perspective. It's just five pounds. No need to act like it's 50.

**Friends kind enough to post only the good photos.

**Magic underwear. (Why do you think our grandmas always looked so good?)

**The baby/law degree/743 fabulous Mexican dinners that put the weight on in the first place.

**Going to Paris for the cheese and San Francisco for the sourdough.

**Legs strong enough to hike you all the way to the top.

**World peace. Or even an inner peace.

I am guilty of trying to get rid of the last 10 pounds and guess what? I have never succeeded. LOL!

This year, I promise to enjoy the ride more instead of always trying to find the weight loss pills that work for me.

I guess world peace is much more achievable than me losing the last 10 pounds anyway. LOL!


I always say I am not a girly kind of girl. For one, I don't wear make up. Not even a lipstick. Occasionally, I'd wear a lipgloss. But only if I am attending a party. Second, I am not into perfume. I don't buy one. Whenever I have one in my dresser, it's usually a gift. Third, I don't like heels. I am comfortable with flats and sneakers. But yeah, I do wear heels from time to time.

Make no mistake, I am a girl. It's just that I have different likes from the rest of the girls. While they go gaga over a hair straightening iron, I will be seen somewhere admiring a welch allyn. Hehehe. Just kidding.

Anyway, last Christmas I was buying a perfume for hubby. While checking the scents, the saleslady mistakenly gave me a scent for the ladies.

The first sniff, I knew immediately what it was! Flower by Kenzo!

A friend gave me this before. And I liked it. When I finished the bottle, I debated within myself whether to buy another one. Of course I did not buy another. LOL!

It's nice to be reacquainted again by this scent. I know my rules about not buying a perfume for myself. But I couldn't help it. I bought one. Hahaha!!!

Now I wear it almost everyday. I hope when it's finished, someone will give me another bottle. LOL!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A convert

Well, almost.

I got an iPhone 4 as present from hubby last Christmas. I am totally loving it. And my son does too.
Hello iPhone 4. I love you already.

Yesterday, hubby bought his first Macbook Pro. I can hardly pry him away from his latest baby. Ouch! LOL!

Now I am thinking, I should sell my two laptops, actually a netbook and a laptop to be exact so I can buy a Macbook Pro or a Macbook Air.

But I am not sure I could sell my Asus netbook. I love it eventhough I hardly use it. It was one of the best netbooks available at the time I purchased it. It is still up to now. It's fast and spiffy looking and of course very handy.

If I couldn't sell my netbook, I could not afford to buy a Macbook. Tough decision!

I wish a fairy godmother would appear now. I know what to ask.

For the Necks

Here are some beautiful pieces to adorn your beautiful necks. I am particularly inspired by these pieces. I love them all.

Carolee Lux Drape Necklace. So, so pretty!

Aqua Three-Row Necklace. Subdued elegance.

Ralph Lauren Teardrop Turquoise Necklace. I still have turquoise on my drawer. I think I should make something like this. I love turquoise.

I really should buy the jewelry making supplies missing in my kit and start making jewelries again. I miss doing it. I miss the fun and the excitement of creating something pretty.

You know what, I will do it now. Oh by the way, all pictures are from I love their necklaces there.

Friday, January 7, 2011

New Year shopping

No, I did not go shopping. I just went online and drool over beautiful things at

Here are some of the things that I love.

Marni Small Leather Satchel

Kaufmanfranco Belted Stretch-jersey and Leather Dress. I super love this!

Christian Louboutin Declic 120 Suede. I know it's too high for my taste. But a girl gotta have at least one stilleto in her closet.

Alexander McQueen Skull-embellished Snakeskin Ballerina Flats. Now, this I can wear everyday.

Ahhhh...I promised myself I would be good this year. No to unnecessary purchases and especially no impulsive buys.

Let's see if I can keep my promise.

Happy New Year again!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

My thinspiration

I almost did not recognise her. Wow! She looks amazing! I am talking about Jennifer Hudson. Well, Fergie has always been sexy. But take a look at Jennifer! Vavavoom!

Photo from

She's my thinspiration this year. I know she lost a lot of weight but I haven't seen her pictures for a while. And now I am blown away. WOW!

Gotta go and exercise no. See yah later!