Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Black tv stands

I am looking at different tv stands right now. Online of course. I have been wanting change our tv stand. For one, it is a bit small. Second and most importantly, it does not match the rest of our furniture in the living room.

Well I guess I could claim there's art in variety. Hahaha! Whatever.

I am actually really tired of looking at our stand. Even the hubby agrees.

Okay here's what I am looking at:

Southshore $229

Something black, simple, sturdy and with just the right number of shelves for our DVD players, Wii and remotes.

Or I could go with this:

Southshore $798

Still black, but bigger, nicer and expensive.

Either of the two is fine with me. But if Santa is reading this, please give me the bigger one. LOL! It doesn't hurt to aim higher, you know. Hahaha!!!

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