Friday, July 6, 2012

My Loot from Mango Sale

I received a text message from Mango store yesterday that all their items are on sale. Finally! I have been waiting for their July sale!

I know from experience that they go on sale twice a year - January and July.

So off I went excitedly to the store after lunch. I brought along my 5 year old son and before entering the store he mumbled, "I am sure there are a lot of girls in there!" He was right. LOL!

After an hour or so, I emerged from the store with this loot.

2 dresses, 2 tank tops, 1 blouse, 1 skinny pants, and 1 blazer

I was pretty happy with what I got because they were what I really wanted to buy before the sale. I posted a Mango blazer earlier in this blog and I got it cheaper than the original price! Patience is really virtue. LOL!

Original price $119.90 and I got it for about $70. Hahaha! I don't remember the exact price but it was definitely below $100. So I am pretty happy about it because I have something to wear for our Tokyo trip. Yay!

I am going back to Mango later today because I want to buy a pair of pants. I was in a hurry yesterday because my companion was bored and wanted to go home. So today, I'll be going there alone. 

Wish me luck!

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