Saturday, July 7, 2012

Get That Holiday Feeling

In this cash strapped time we are all in, you may find that this year you have been unable to afford a fancy holiday. However, it is possible still to get that holiday feeling, simply by buying a few new outfits and giving your partner a chance to take you out to inexpensive places that neither of you have been to. 

A new wardrobe is something we typically indulge in before we go on a holiday, and even though you aren’t going on holiday, you should still attempt to purchase a new set of summer clothes.

When shopping for your new clothes, try to pick out things you would not normally chose. For example, if you are still going to be working during the summer, you could say goodbye to the formal greys and whites and opt for something more bright and summery, like the summer to the right below.

You may choose to select a dress based on the styles of another country. A more ethnic pattern can make you feel a lot closer to your desired location. 

The dress to the left has an incredibly Asian pattern to it, and the colours will vastly improve your summery attitude. It would be a perfect dress to wear to a wedding.

Buying a maxi dress can be a good way to achieve the summery feeling too, as they are quintessentially summery.

The eye catching dress to the right is again brightly coloured, which will help you to feel summery, and it is made of a material that is light and breezy. The white crochet style detailing focuses the eyes towards the waist, creating a flattering figure for the wearer.

The last thing you should consider is purchasing a brand new evening dress. 

Asking your partner to take you somewhere romantic that you wouldn’t usually go to can help you feel like you are on holiday, even if you are not.

The evening dress to the left is perfect for such a purpose, and it is versatile, so would be suited to many events that you may have in the future. 

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