Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Amethyst and Diamond Earrings: I love!

My wedding anniversary is coming up. It's actually next week. I have bought a perfect dress, a sale from Mango, for our anniversary dinner date. It's a tube dress. If you're a friend reading this, yes I am really going to wear a tube dress. LOL!

I am looking for a perfect jewelry to pair my dress with. I am thinking of earrings. Something simple but elegant and catchy.

Well, something like this actually.

An Amethyst and Diamond Earrings I found at Bloomingdales. I love it! The only problem is, it is priced at $2,075! It's way, way beyond my budget!

Hmmmm...how do I tell hubby I love the earrings and would love to have it as an early anniversary gift (so I can wear it to our dinner date) without sounding too materialistic? LOL!

If I know better, hubby will just buy me something practical and something we both would enjoy, something like a new wii game. Hahaha!!! Nothing wrong with it. I am okay with it, honest. But sometimes, I wish he has expensive taste for gift-giving. LOL!

Oh well. I will probably just make my own earrings. I wonder if I still have some stone beads left?


  1. what a creative view I always appreciate your views. Diamond earring always a best for gorgeous look even best if you got the unique eye caching design .

  2. $2000! What a bummer. How I wish I had some money to spend on these.

    buy earrings online
