Saturday, November 19, 2011

Too sunny for my taste

I lost another of my sunglasses again! What shall do with myself? I am so hopeless!

Thank goodness the shades I lost was my cheap sunglasses. I know I left it at home because I was scared it will be confiscated in Europe. The one I brought with me was the original one.

When I got home, I couldn't find it anymore. Did I lose it somewhere or did I just misplace it?

I need at least two pairs of shades. A dark and not so dark one. I use it to match the brightness outside. Unfortunately, I lost the dark one. And the weather lately has been so hot and bright it is giving me migraine.

Anyway, I went to google friendly-prices sunglasses and here are my top picks. All of these are replicas of the original.

Coach replica

Dior replica

DKNY replica

Rayban replica

I love all of the above. I can't wait to go shopping!

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