Sunday, November 13, 2011

Dubai stopover

We are back in Phnom Penh now. But before heading back home, we stopped at Dubai for two days and two nights.

I was caught off guard. I never expected Dubai to be so warm. And I am not talking about the weather. I was expecting it to be all buildings and nothing in between.

Boy, was I wrong!

We had a really fantastic time there. The weather was also nice making our walks very pleasant.

I knew Dubai is a shopping destination but believe me, we weren't able to shop a single thing.

Hubby wanted to buy the best headphones for noise reduction like this picture below but we did not have enough time for shopping.

It is so unfortunate as my friends tell me, they have the best prices for gadgets and their items are tax-free.

I was tempted to take a look at their luxury handbags. Fortunately for my hubby, I did not find anything I liked.

Or I guess I wasn't really in the mood for shopping too.

We were only able to visit several places and there are still so many places to visit and see in Dubai. It was definitely a case of "too much to see, too little time".

I promise to visit again someday. I would love to enjoy the rest of UAE and to experience tax-free shopping.

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