Monday, November 28, 2011

ZARA: TRF Evening Lookbook

Been hanging out at FB. Thought I should make myself productive somehow so here I am sharing what's in ZARA's FB page.

TRF Evening Lookbook

I think I want to try wearing lace. I don't have that much unsightly muffin tops so I might be able to pull it off. Even half decently.

Friday, November 25, 2011

ZARA Woman November Lookbook

The problem with losing weight is you wanna shop and shop and shop. That's my dilemna right now. I want to shop for new clothes but I don't have the money for it.

I will just have to be content looking at ZARA's November lookbook. Here it is:

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Too sunny for my taste

I lost another of my sunglasses again! What shall do with myself? I am so hopeless!

Thank goodness the shades I lost was my cheap sunglasses. I know I left it at home because I was scared it will be confiscated in Europe. The one I brought with me was the original one.

When I got home, I couldn't find it anymore. Did I lose it somewhere or did I just misplace it?

I need at least two pairs of shades. A dark and not so dark one. I use it to match the brightness outside. Unfortunately, I lost the dark one. And the weather lately has been so hot and bright it is giving me migraine.

Anyway, I went to google friendly-prices sunglasses and here are my top picks. All of these are replicas of the original.

Coach replica

Dior replica

DKNY replica

Rayban replica

I love all of the above. I can't wait to go shopping!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Oh my highschool life

Feeling nostalgic right now. Probably because I just had a mini-reunion with my high school classmates in Dubai.

It's always fun reminiscing our younger days - the crushes, the jokes, the teachers, even the exams and essays. I don't think anybody was fond of doing essays during that time. But we had no choice. We had to do it and do it from scratch. Unlike now, kids can just easily get free online essays. How charmed their lives are?!

High school was tough but when we look at it now, it was mostly fun!

My friends and I stayed until 4am just talking and laughing. We never noticed the time. If we did not have a planned itinerary later that day, we wouldn't have cut short our conversation.

To my friends in Dubai, thank you for your time. I really had a great time with you guys. Hope we will be able to do it again soon. Somewhere.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The list

Hubby blurted out this morning that he wants to put up our Christmas tree. I totally forgot about Christmas!

I am still getting over the jetlag from our EU and Dubai tour plus there's still the unpacking I have to do and hubby wants to start on Christmas already.


Just kidding. I was actually thinking about the holiday already. I still have not thought of our theme at home. I have to start researching on that one soon. And there's the Christmas gift list I have to work on too.

One advantage of living away from home is that you don't have a long list of people to give presents to. LOL!

I only have a handful of presents to give actually. And it's a manageable list. There's a request for affordable hair replacement present, a toy car, an apple TV and lest I forget, a bag for myself. Hahaha!!!

I so wish we have a lot of money. I would like to go away for the holidays even for a few days.

But we've already spent so much during our recent trip so travelling again is not an option right now. We have to live within our means.

That doesn't mean that it's going to be a blue Christmas. There's no such thing in my vocabulary.

Christmas will always be a merry event in my family. We don't need to splurge. But we certainly won't skimp that much also.

How's your list so far?

Dubai stopover

We are back in Phnom Penh now. But before heading back home, we stopped at Dubai for two days and two nights.

I was caught off guard. I never expected Dubai to be so warm. And I am not talking about the weather. I was expecting it to be all buildings and nothing in between.

Boy, was I wrong!

We had a really fantastic time there. The weather was also nice making our walks very pleasant.

I knew Dubai is a shopping destination but believe me, we weren't able to shop a single thing.

Hubby wanted to buy the best headphones for noise reduction like this picture below but we did not have enough time for shopping.

It is so unfortunate as my friends tell me, they have the best prices for gadgets and their items are tax-free.

I was tempted to take a look at their luxury handbags. Fortunately for my hubby, I did not find anything I liked.

Or I guess I wasn't really in the mood for shopping too.

We were only able to visit several places and there are still so many places to visit and see in Dubai. It was definitely a case of "too much to see, too little time".

I promise to visit again someday. I would love to enjoy the rest of UAE and to experience tax-free shopping.

Monday, November 7, 2011

To live in Paris

Hi all! We are already in Paris. It's been amazing so far. There are some hiccups but nothing big to dampen our mood.

I love Paris! Everything looks beautiful and picturesque. When you take a shot, it looks like taken straight from a magazine or something. Really, it's that beautiful.

And the people look so chic, well, except me of course. Hahaha!!!

Yeah, seriously. These Parisians are the epitome of cool and chic. I love how they dress up. All in black. It's like a uniform. And the scarves. Oh, how they wear it well! My scarf looks awkward on me. It felt like I am being choked or something. LOL!

I asked my husband to look for a job here. I told him to find a job with a great employee benefits. Hahaha!!!

Well, Paris is not cheap. Everything is expensive. So to be able to live well, you need a good compensation and benefits. Right?

And then I realize, I could not live here. It's cold. Really cold.

Yesterday, I was already wearing what seemed like a very thick coat, a scarf, and a gloves but the chill still went inside my bones. Seriously.

I had to buy a bonnet from a souvenir shop even if it was expensive! It did not even match well with my outfit but I couldn't care less. I was freezing!

My friend said it was not even cold yet according to Paris standard. And I said, what? She laughed so hard.

I can't imagine what cold is like for them. I'd probably be wearing the whole house by then if the temperature starts to go below 8 degrees. LOL!

It makes me sad that I could not live here. But on the bright side, I can always visit if our budget allows us to. I will just have to work harder =)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Never too early

There is no such thing as early Christmas shopping. Some people even do it as soon as the Christmas ends. Really. I know someone who does it. And it's practical because usually prices right after the holidays are always hugely discounted. Examples are gift wrappers and Christmas Cards.

I wasn't able to do that last year. It's already November, yes it's already November! Go check your calendar now if you don't believe me! LOL!

I really should start buying things and gifts for Christmas before things get hectic and chaotic.

I should start with cutesy cards like these ones.

I love giving out cards and I love receiving them too. Maybe I should try my hand at making DIY cards. But then again, I am not really that creative. So I better stick with the ready mades only. LOL!

Have you started with your shopping list already?