Friday, October 14, 2011

Time to own one

Hubby has been wanting to buy a camcorder ever since I can remember. But I always stop him.

I really didn't see any point in buying a camcorder before. For one, we had a digital camera that also records video. And the quality was fair.

But now, I think I am going to change my mind and even convince hubby to buy a camcorder. LOL!

Hubby is using an SLR camera which doesn't have a camcorder feature. My digi point and shoot camera has a video capabilities but it's not working well now after my son dropped it.

So I guess it's time we have our very own camcorder and I choose this one:

A canon vixia hf200.

It looks very spiffy and the reviews I read are quite good (I always read reviews!). And the price is reasonable.

What about you guys? Do you have a camcorder? What kind do you have?

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