Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Post Christmas

Hey guys! A belated Merry Christmas to you.

And how are you coping with the holidays? I survived mine. LOL! It was crazy and frantic and amazing and stressful. But I love it all.

There's another holiday in the offing but I will pass on the craziness. I will just stay at home and cook some food to nibble while waiting for the new year to come.

Anyways, what did you get on Christmas?

I got a handful of gifts this season. I got a dehumidifier and an iPhone 4. Pretty neat. Thanks to hubby.

I also got some girly stuff like pouch, passport cover, a crocheted vase runner and a vase. I love them all.

I also got a perfume. But I bought it myself. LOL! Who says you can't gift yourself, right?

Hope you're having the best holiday ever. Cheers to the new year. Here's hoping it brings a lot of wonderful things to us all.

Personally, I am looking forward to more great finds and more travels.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

It's next week

Wow, it's Christmas next week! Can you believe it? It's next week!

Hahaha. Forgive moi, I am just so excited. I love Christmas and everything that goes with it. Parties, celebrations, gift-giving, food and more food!

Speaking of gift giving, I am still confused what to give the hubs. I know it's going to be a gadget but I can't choose between cell phones or laptops.

He's been giving me hints about iphones and macbooks. I couldn't possibly afford two items. I just have to choose which one.


Got to go. This one is just a quick post as I have a long list of things to do today.

Merry Christmas guys!!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Muffins, the healthy kind

Let me share something. I've tried South Beach Diet and it worked with me. I have lost 5kgs in 14 days (phase 1).

At first I was hesitant to try another diet. It never works. But this SBD really does. Of course you have to follow the diet religiously.

During phase 1, carbs and sugar are off limits. It was difficult but what I find more difficult was planning my menu. Thankfully, you can easily find recipes online.

Here's one of my favorite South Beach Diet food: Egg muffins

It's just eggs, spring onion, green bell pepper, tomatoes and cheddar cheese baked in a muffin pan.

It's so delicious! It makes me think I am not on a diet. LOL!

Since losing weight, I have breakouts. Not the alarming kind but enough to make me run to the nearest pharmacy and buy mild acne treatment.

If you're keen to lose weight, try SBD. And don't forget to include the egg muffins in your diet.

Saturday 9: Reason to Believe

Welcome to Saturday 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: Reason to Believe

1. Has anyone asked you to believe in something that called for a huge leap of faith on your part?
++ Nope.

2. When is the last time you moved? Why did you move?
++ We moved last July because we wanted a bigger apartment and a place for my son to go bike or sccoter around. I didn't hire any movers but I was ready with my roadside assistance plan if ever need.

3. Malls? ..or Internet? Are you doing more online shopping this year? The polls say we are, but I'm curious about what the real people are doing.
++ Malls. I "window shop" online but I still go to the malls to buy.

4. Do you remember the first meme you participated in and if so, what was it?
++ Can't. The first meme was like ages ago.

5. If you could invent something, what would it be?
++ Zero calorie but yummy to the tummy food. LOL!

6. Are you finished with your shopping? Do you still a few things to go? What? Not even a game plan? ...or is there just one person you're having trouble finding something for?
++ Still halfway through. But I will get there. And no, I don't have trouble finding something for someone.

7. What's left to do at your place (or where you are going)? Is the tree up? ...or maybe you're just happy you found the Christmas coffee mug and are calling that good?
++ Just to party. Everything's up. Well except for the menu. I haven't planned that yet.

8. Is your life turning out the way you thought it would when you were a kid? If not, is it better or worse?
++ It's a lot better than I thought it would be. Thank God!

9. Tell us about something you'll miss about 2010.
++ Nothing actually. I love new beginnings. And I am so excited about the new year!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas List

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. You know that, don't you? Before you prepare your gift for me, please consider my requests.

1) A macbook

2) An ipod nano

3) An ipod dock to go with it

4) A nice bag (You know what I like)

5) Any of these Lanvin flats

6) A set of baking pans and utensils

7) A voucher for travel, preferably

It is not much, is it Santa? I was really good the whole year and I am still good up to now.


Monday, December 6, 2010

My dream bags

Every girl has her dream something. Dream house, dream holiday/vacation, dream bag, etc, etc.

I am not different. I have these dreams. It's nice to dream. But of course, I also know my limitations.

If money is not a problem, I'd buy these bags.

A classic Chanel flap bag. I think almost every girl wishes to have one of this. It's classic. It goes with everything. It can be worn during daytime and nightime. It's very versatile.

This is a Hermes bag. This is not exactly my dream bag but the one I really like, I cannot find a picture on their website.

My dream Hermes bag is not a Kelly. It's the simple Hermes HerBag. It's a working person's bag. I like the color. It's almost the same as the one above. And I believe the price is not as steep as the famous Kelly bags.

These bags are not impossible to own. Yes, they are expensive but if I want to, I could save up for it. But I probably won't. Why? Because when the times comes that I've saved up enough, I don't think I could let go of the money. LOL!

But if these lands on my doorsteps (are you reading this Santa?) and it's free, I'd be a total fool not to accept it.

What's on your dream list?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Cutie for day: usb sushi

Sushi, anyone?

I found this at dynamism.com

I'd surely buy this one if it's available here. But then again, I might confuse this with the real food and eat it. LOL! They look almost real, right?

Saturday, December 4, 2010


I am making my Christmas list now. And if you're my friend, don't worry you're not included in my list. LOL!

Seriously, the list is really getting difficult. I admit I am not the best gift giver in the world. I always have a hard time choosing the right gift for people I care about. I know that at the end of the day, the thought counts more than the gift itself. But it's really easier said than done, right?

But if I lived in a cold and snowy area, I am sure I will buy one or more toro snow blowers as a gift for my friend/s.

Why? Well, it's definitely a useful and thoughtful gift, don't you agree? I would love to receive this gift too, that is if I lived somewhere snowy.

Itching to travel

From the start of this year, my family and I had been travelling every month. We had been to Hongkong, Siem Reap, Kep, Hanoi, Manila, Subic, Tagaytay, Singapore and Bangkok (twice).

When we got back from Singapore last September, I told hubby I was done with travelling until our next scheduled travel next February 2011 to Malaysia.

I thought that would be okay. But lately, I am so tempted to travel again this month. I don't know where. I just want to go somewhere.

And besides, there are so many travel deals this holiday season that's too difficult to pass up.

The problem is I don't know where to go. I want somewhere closer but it should be a place where I haven't been to. So cities like Bangkok, KL, Singapore are immediately off the list. I only have one choice, to go to Sihanoukville, a beach town here in Cambodia. But I am not in the mood for a beach setting during this holiday.

What a big problem I have, said hubby.

He suggested we just stay here and we'll plan a major trip for next year. His friend is inviting us for a week's stay at Auckland. We might take up the offer.

So I guess, we'll just save up now and travel again next year.

Hopefully the new year bring us all good fortune to be able to afford travel. LOL!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

As high as the sky

Honestly, who wants to go over cheap life insurance when you can go shopping online? I mean, yeah life insurances are important but which one is more fun, huh?

I got yah! Well, if you're like me, then you'd go for shopping. And speaking of shopping, here's something I found online which caught my interest. Brisbane by Jeffrey Campbell $192

All photos from needsupply.com

What do you think? I like it. Problem is, I couldn't wear heels without tripping over. But even if I could wear heels as high as this, I don't think I could pull it off. I am too shy and my taste in fashion runs from conservative to boyish only. Sometimes a little girly. But that's about it. Boring I know. Hahaha!!!

I like the shoes though. And it definitely is eye catching!

Black tv stands

I am looking at different tv stands right now. Online of course. I have been wanting change our tv stand. For one, it is a bit small. Second and most importantly, it does not match the rest of our furniture in the living room.

Well I guess I could claim there's art in variety. Hahaha! Whatever.

I am actually really tired of looking at our stand. Even the hubby agrees.

Okay here's what I am looking at:

Southshore $229

Something black, simple, sturdy and with just the right number of shelves for our DVD players, Wii and remotes.

Or I could go with this:

Southshore $798

Still black, but bigger, nicer and expensive.

Either of the two is fine with me. But if Santa is reading this, please give me the bigger one. LOL! It doesn't hurt to aim higher, you know. Hahaha!!!