Saturday, November 13, 2010

It's Christmas soon

It's like broken record but I have to ask. Have you done your Christmas shopping? Because if you ask me, I haven't started anything yet. LOL!

Okay, that is not entirely true. I have been peeking here and there and I have bookmarked a few sites which I think I might buy from.

Can I show you some items which I would love to receive this Christmas?

Designer Peppermills. It's so cute. I want one in our home.

Custom Wine Bags. I love how colorful the bags are.

Christmas Treat Jars. I can put in cookies and give it to my friends as gift.

I also wouldn't mind receiving a Personal Creations baby gifts. After all, my tot will forever be a baby to me.

What about you? What do you plan to give or what do you want to receive this Christmas?

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