Saturday, November 27, 2010

Lanvin Flats

I haven't worn heels in a long time. Well, except every Christmas of course, where I try to dress up and wear heels.

But my everday staples are flats, sandals, flipflops and sneakers. Besides I am a mom with a toddler. It's hard to run around in heels.

I was window shopping for flats and I fell in love with Lanvin flats. Here are my four favorites. All photos are from

Lanvin Metallica Leather Ballerina Flats - £247

Lanvin Leopard Print Ballerina Flats - £374

Lanvin Canvas Leather Ballerina Flats -£243

Lanvin Leather Ballerina Flats - £260

Saturday 9: Dark Lady

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: Dark Lady

1. Have you ever been to a fortune teller? If yes, what happened? Nope. But it's always thought.

2. How do you cope in an uncomfortable social situation? I keep quiet or I leave.

3. A genie appears (of course). She asks, “If you had 3 wishes but each took 3 years off your life, what would you wish for and why?”
1) A healthy son (no sickness whatsoever).
2) To travel the world with my husband and son.
3) To be able to eat anything without gaining any weight.

I don't think I need an explanation for my wishes.

4. Would you rather lose your soul mate or never meet them at all? Lose, I guess. It's something like, "it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."

5. What is the hardest thing that you have ever had to do? Watch my son battle it out in the hospital.

6. Have you ever had a miracle happen to you or your loved ones? Yes. Everyday is a miracle itself.

7. Tell us about a quote that you can relate to. Why can you relate with it? The golden rule: Do not do unto others what you don't want others do unto you. I try to practice this.

8. What personality trait has gotten you into the most trouble? Being punctual. Some people don't like to be on time.

9. For those in The States, how was your Turkey Day? If not from the US, do you celebrate a day like Thanksgiving? Christmas is also a Thanksgiving in our family. But then again, everyday should be a thanksgiving day, right?

Dark eyes

I woke up with a dark eye circles. It's not funny. I am mildly annoyed. I know I haven't been sleeping well but I didn't expect I'd have a prize this soon. And to think I've only slept badly for a couple of nights. Oh well, I am really getting old. LOL!

I don't want to use a cream right away, so I searched for home remedies. I should:

a) Sleep for 8 hours. I think I could do this starting tonight.
b) Apply used cold tea bags on my eyes. This shouldn't be difficult as I drink tea everyday. I just need to put it in the ref for a couple of hours to make it cold.
c) Use sunglasses when going outside.

If this doesn't work, then I guess I will have to rely on creams. Now, let me search for affordable and available creams here.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

My favorite Body Shop Products

I am running out of of my Peppermint Intensive Foot Rescue. And I couldn't have another one unless I go to Bangkok or Manila. What a bummer!

This product is not just a want. I need it! My feet are so dependent on this that if I don't have this or even if I apply other products, my feet turns really dry. Ugh!

And I love this even more for its price - about $15 (according to my recollection). You know what, that's why I love products of Body Shop. They're not just effective, they're also pocket friendly.

Here are some more of my favorite products.

Tea Tree Facial Toner and tea tree oil soap. Back when I had pimples, I religiously use tea tree oil products from Body Shop. I loved it.

Hi-Shine Lip Treatment. I have a dark and dry lips but I hate wearing lipstick. This hi-shine lip treatment does not only treat my dry lips it also makes it shine. Hehehe. Seriously.

What about you? What are your must have beauty products?

Well, I hope Santa is reading this. I need the foot rescue and the lip treatment for Christmas. That would really make me happy =)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


So here's our theme this year. Gold for classic and luxe.

Surprisingly it wasn't difficult to find the ornaments here. We had a whale of time decorating our tree.

We're so looking forward to Christmas!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Christmas Inspirations

If you haven't put up your tree or still thinking about a christmas theme for your christmas decors at home, here are some pictures for your inspiration.

I got all of them from Better Homes and Gardens website.

I do love the red theme. Red mean Christmas for me. Well, and so is gold.

For our home, I used a gold theme for our tree. The rest of the decors though are in red and green combination, which I love!

I will post the pictures of our tree when I get back from a little shopping. I still need to buy some more ornaments and some osha signs for my sons room.

So ta-ta for now.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

What's in a bookshelf

I love books. And I think it's but natural that I love bookshelves too.

This bookshelf below is not your traditional or usual kind of bookshelf. It's called The Stagger Shelf and is made of toasted vertical grain bamboo and finished with organic, non-toxic Hard Oil. Stainless steel screws and adjustable steel feet.

Photo from

I do love it. If only I have a bigger house. Or if only I could afford it. Price? Well, it's only $3,975.00. *Shakes head*

I'll just probably have a replica of it. Something smaller and of course cheaper.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Quick Post

I think I get sick about 4 times a year. When I say sick, it means I have the flu. And when I have the flu, it usually is nasty. Just like now.

Oh I hate being sick. I hate taking medicines because I am forgetful. Blame the age I guess. I really should drink more vitamins and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Why does hubby get sick so rarely? I mean, we do eat the same food. I actually exercise more than him. I have a better sleeping pattern than him. And I eat more veggies than him. So why do I get sick easily?

I hate my immune system.

Or maybe I should love it. I don't know.

Now, excuse me while I go get some more tissues.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

It's Christmas soon

It's like broken record but I have to ask. Have you done your Christmas shopping? Because if you ask me, I haven't started anything yet. LOL!

Okay, that is not entirely true. I have been peeking here and there and I have bookmarked a few sites which I think I might buy from.

Can I show you some items which I would love to receive this Christmas?

Designer Peppermills. It's so cute. I want one in our home.

Custom Wine Bags. I love how colorful the bags are.

Christmas Treat Jars. I can put in cookies and give it to my friends as gift.

I also wouldn't mind receiving a Personal Creations baby gifts. After all, my tot will forever be a baby to me.

What about you? What do you plan to give or what do you want to receive this Christmas?

She likes men in pads

Well, I am not one to indulge in gossips. Really. LOL!

Kidding aside, I do like reading and looking at celebrities pictures - what they're wearing, who they're dating, etc, etc.

And I thought Kim Kardashian's boyfriend is still Reggie Bush. I am so late. Hahaha. She's got a new boyfriend. It's Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Miles Austin.

Photo from

Now I wonder how many nfl t shirts Kim has now? Must be more than a dozen now. Hahahaha!!! Good for her.

Now, let me check out some more celebrity gossips. Shhhh....

Saturday, November 6, 2010

For Inspiration

Photos, all from Design Sponge Online. I love browsing this site. I feel inspired. Check it out for your dose of inspiration.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Dresses for the Holidays

If body type or weight is not an issue, I would wear any of these dresses for the holidays. Photos from respective websites.

J. Crew $198

Banana Republic $225

Gap $59.50

Zara $100 (SGD169)

Zara $131 (SGD169)

Zara $69.84 (SGD89.90)

What's your pick?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Gel as birth control pill

Let me quote billionaire, bad boy, hero Oliver Green aka Green Arrow on Smallville: "Okay, that's officially the biggest news I've heard all day."

And I am referring to this news: Contraceptive gel could replace birth control pill


How does it work? Simple. You just have to rub small amount into your arms, legs, shoulder everyday and in turn it delivers a dose of hormones that prevents pregnancy.

Moreover, it doesn't have any side effects and it's suitable for those who are breastfeeding.

It's still in the early stage of development though but if it gets out to the market, I would be sure to try it. Not because I am breastfeeding but because it doesn't cause any weight gain. Hehehe.

We do live in an amazing time, don't we?

Now, I am off to read more about business debt consolidation. We need to learn some practical stuff as well.