Thursday, December 6, 2012

Taylor Swift and Her Bags

I've been a fan of Taylor Swift for a while. I love her music, I love her style and now I am loving her more for her practicality.

I followed taylorswiftstyle on instagram about a week ago. It's a Taylor Swift fan's intagram account and she posts pictures of Taylor Swift.

I noticed that Taylor Swift repeats her bags, shoes and shades. It's not really a big deal but most celebrities won't be caught dead wearing the same item all over again.

Some celebrities will only wear the latest trend - be it bag, dress, shades or shoes.

But Ms. Swift, she's a class on her. Take a look at the picture I swiped from the fan's page.

She has worn this bag countless times! And I am loving it big time.

I also saw one bag that she wore several times, it's the same Mango bag I have. I gotta find the picture first so I can brag it here. LOL!

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