Saturday, December 8, 2012

Save Your Head

Cambodia is not a Christian country and they don't celebrate Christmas. But Christmas being hugely commercialized now, you can definitely feel that Christmas is around the corner by just visiting grocery shops (lots of tempting chocolates!).

I am not sure if it's just me or traffic is also really getting worse around this time of year in the city. I mean, I can understand christmas rush in Manila. People are probably running from one party to another, shopping for christmas, etc.

But here? Hmmm...

I mentioned this because yesterday, the traffic was unusually heavy made worse by another motorcycle accident on the road.

When we passed by the accident area, I saw a kid being helped out. The kid looked fine but was a little disoriented probably. He did not have a helmet on.

Geez people! Just go to the nearest helmet shop helmets and get one. It's for your own safety!

This one looks like a hit with the kids.

Parents should not let these youngsters run around bare in the head when driving a motorcycle. I know I won't let my son.

Anyway, I am off today to finish my christmas wish list. Here's hoping I won't encounter any more accidents on the road today.

Stay safe everyone!

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