Tuesday, August 16, 2011

More fun with my iPad

Okay more about my iPad2.

I am not a techie person but I love gadgets. I am not anal about specs, I am more about the fun I get. So, I am not qualified to do a proper review of gadgets, really. Instead, let me just tell you a couple of apps I love using/playing right now.

There's the ZARA apps.

I love it that I get to preview clothes even before I go to the real store. In my case, the closet store is about 1 hour away by plane.

And Scrabble!

This is the apps I am currently addicted to. I bought it for $6.99 (I think, hahaha). I love it because hubby and I can play together via the party play. We just use both our iPhones as tile rack. It's cool! And addicting!

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