Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dream beach destination: El Nido Palawan

I am from the Philippines but unfortunately there are still places I haven't been to. And one of them is actually my dream beach destination, El Nido Palawan.

I have heard so many great things about this place. I have also seen pictures from my friend who had their honeymoon here. Their pictures were amazing. The place looked amazing.

I promised myself I would go here one day. But since that promise, I still haven't visited this magnificent place.

I will visit. I just don't know when.

Take a look at the pictures I swiped from

Isn't this beautiful? If money (and time) is not a problem, I will drag my husband and son to Palawan. Like right now.


  1. I, too, would love to visit Palawan. A few of my friends have visited and rave about the place. I hope your wish and mine will come true in the future.

  2. Kayni, I do hope too. It's just too beautiful to miss =)
