Saturday, May 22, 2010

Phnom Penh to KL for a lot less

My last post was about Air Asia's "Something Big" promo. It started last May 18 and tomorrow is the last day.

I checked Air Asia's website last May 18 and tried to check their deals but my! The trafic was bad! I kind of expected it already.

I tried again on the 19th. I got in. I got a good deal from Phnom Penh to KL for only $189 round trip ticket for three people. A steal! But I couldn't book.

But since I don't easily get defeated and I am really a persistent little bugger. LOL! I tried again on the 20th. I got in. And this time I was able to book a ticket at a lesser price than the one mentioned above.

Want to guess how much?

I got it for only $129! That's a round trip ticket from Phnom Penh to KL for three people with baggage allowances. Wow!

The regular fare usually amounts to around $800 or even up to $1000 for three people. And I got it only for a fraction.

The only catch is that travel time is not anytime soon. It's for February next year!

But hey, you only have to plan early and hope everything falls into your plan and voila! A vacation for a lot less!

I miss KL and I am excited to visit and relieve memories.

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