Just read this today in Yahoo! Travel. The 10 Amazing Tropical Escapes according to author Sarah Pascarella are:
1. Bonaire
2. Arunachal Pradesh, India
3. Singapore
4. Hawaii's Big Island
5. Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique
6. Wet Tropics Of Queensland, Australia
7. St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands
8. Vanuatu
9. Panama
10. Dominica
So which places mentioned have you been to? Unfortunately for me, I have only been to Singapore. Except for India and Australia, the rest will probably just remain dream destination for me and my family. Unless I win the lotto or something like that happens. Hahaha!!!
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This year, we can afford two more out of the country trips. I've penned down Philippines for June/July. The other out of the country trip I I am still not sure. Initially I wanted Japan. And then the earthquake and tsunami happened. So it's out of the question for now. Maybe next year, we'll see.
Which amazing tropical destinations have you been to? Do share!
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