Saturday 9: What a Fool Believes
1. What celebrity do you think is the MOST foolish?
++ Hmmm..those who try sooooo hard to be different.
2. What are 5 things you don't care about?
++ Make up, Perfume, Heels, and anything about vanity
3. What 'issue' do you think your opinion is so right about that you end up trying to sway others to your point of view?
++ I don't try to sway other people's opinion. I just encourage them to think I am right. LOL!
4. What personality do you like to listen to on the radio?
++ I don't listen much radio now but I used to listen a lot when I was in college. I used to listen to funny and opinionated radio personality.
5. What culture are you fascinated by?
++ Japanese
6. You are alone with your lover's diary. What do you do?
++ I'd definitely open a few pages. If I have a lot of time, I will read everything. Hahaha!!!
7. What frustrates you?
++ Lazy people, people who don't pay their personal loan, liars, etc..
8. Do you remember the first time you were on the internet? What did you do first?
++ Yes. I opened two email accounts and joined forums on mIrc. LOL!
9. What was the biggest fight you have ever had with someone?
++ Lying, cheating.