Friday, December 23, 2011

My true love gave to me

...a partridge in a pear tree! LOL!

This song is stuck in my mind for days now. It is like on auto repeat mode. It goes on and on and on. It does not help that my son sings this randomly too. Or maybe it's on auto repeat mode on his kiddo brain too? Hahaha!!

We can't deny it's Christmas. But I know a lot of people are still out there looking for the perfect Christmas gift to give their loved ones.

Well, here's one thing I would like to suggest as a gift for your man - a battlefiend map cufflinks.

If your husband, boyfriend, dad, son is into wearing cuff links, I think this is a nice alternative to the usual and common plain ones. What do you think?

I always say and believe, gifts must come from the heart. So whatever gift you get your loved ones as long as it's given generously, I am sure they would appreciate it. But, it gives you extra point if you give them something they like =)

Anyway, take it easy with the Christmas rush, okay?

I wish all of us a Merry and a Meaningful Christmas! Let's spread love and cheer to everyone around us.

Monday, December 19, 2011

All I want for Christmas

I just want one thing for Christmas - A new Macbook Air!

My old PC is almost dying. And it's literally asking for a replacement.

It would be nice to receive this as a gift. It would make my blogging life easier and chicer. LOL!

What's in your wish list?

Thursday, December 8, 2011

My kind of bracelets

I haven't worn any jewelries for some time now. I just couldn't be bothered. I am so busy that I hardly have any time to look for my jewelries and see if it matches my outfit.

But today, I am in the mood for bracelets and cuffs. I am actually planning my Christmas Eve outfit and I want something on my wrist.

So I went to for online window shopping. Here are my picks.

Kenneth Jay Lane
22-karat gold-plated crystal snake bracelet

Pamela Love
Navajo-inspired cutout brass cuff

Aurélie Bidermann
Aphrodite enameled 18-karat gold-plated cuff

Friday, December 2, 2011

One of my Idols

I know I mostly talk about Angeline Jolie here in this blog, but I have a lot of other girl crushes or idols.

One of them is Julianne Moore. She's classy and chic and gorgeous all the time. I can only wish I will look half decent as her when I turn older.

Photo from

Julianne more is wearing a Calvin Klein ensemble here, an above the knee gold dress and plush cream coat.

Super gorgeous! I love her!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

I wore this

In Paris, everyone seems chic.

At least that's my idea of Paris. Like I have mentioned in this blog before, going to Paris is half the story of the trip. The other half is the outfit you're going to wear while you are there.

Since I am not a fashionista and my budget is limited. I just try to work around on what I have.

That's me, in what felt like a marmot coat, projecting too hard. LOL!

They said the color black is like Paris' uniform. Everyone wears black. So I made sure to bring most of my black clothes like this coat and the knitted top inside.

But I also wanted some colors on my outfit so I used a red scarf and my skirt with some red color.

I like the result. LOL! Gotta love your own! Hahahaha!!!

Designing is a hard job

We have a project at hand and we couldn't seem to move forward. There are so many hindrances. But we're hoping we'll eliminate them one by one.

Okay, I am talking about interior designing a small condominium that we have in the Philippines.

It's recently turned over to us and our plan is to rent it to "balikbayans" or Filipino expats vacationing at home.

One of the hindrances I am talking about is that we are abroad. But I think we can already plan or design what we want or how we want our condo to look like.

I have looked at magazines and of course pictures online for inspirations. Here are some pictures I like from

Interior Designing seemed like a fun and easy job, right? Nope! It's really giving us a hard time. Hubby and I couldn't agree on a single item. LOL!

I think we'd have more luck doing Paramedic Jobs than appointing ourselves designers. Hahahaha!!!

I think we are going to give this job (designing) to the professionals. Now, I hope I can find someone affordable.

Any recommendations?