Thursday, May 31, 2012

Mask-ful Day

It's 5am. I am in front of my macbook. My husband is exercising while watching TV.

Suddenly, I heard a shout/yell. I thought he fell down or something. I went to check. It turned out he saw an athlete or some sports person being carried on a stretcher with a mask on his face. I asked what kind of mask? He said cpap masks.

Not having an idea what he said, I went to google it. I did not want him to know I didn't know what he was talking about!

This is what my husband was talking about.

This is a cpap mask for her. I got the picture from The CPAP Shop.

Without me knowing it, I was already browsing for a mask. I was being carried away with the wide variety offered at The CPAP Shop!

Another thing I liked about this store is that aside from the wide variety of masks, they do have customer reviews and star ratings attached to every single mask for sale.

I think that is very important considering the daunting task of choosing among the many offered. For a first time shopper, this one is definitely very helpful.

I just love the internet and the many things it has to offer. Don't you?

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